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U.S. Medal-Winning Men's Basketball Teams

1936 (gold medal): Sam Balter, Ralph Bishop, Joe Fortenberry, Tex Gibbons, Francis Johnson, Carl Knowles, Frank Lubin, Art Mollner, Don Piper, Jack Ragland, Carl Shy, Willard Schmidt, Duane…

Biographies: Selected Basketball Players

Selected Basketball Players Magic Johnson drives by Angola's Anibal Moreira (Barcelona Olympics, 1992) See also NBA Most Valuable Players People in the NewsRecent…

Anthony, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Anthony, SaintAnthony, Saintănˈtənē, ănˈthənē [key], 251?–c.350, Egyptian hermit, called St. Anthony of Egypt and St. Anthony the Abbot. At the age of 20 he gave away his large…

Cooper, Anthony Ashley

(Encyclopedia) Cooper, Anthony Ashley: see Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st earl of.

Drexel, Anthony Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Drexel, Anthony JosephDrexel, Anthony Josephdrĕkˈsəl [key], 1826–93, American banker and philanthropist, b. Philadelphia. He entered (1838) at an early age the well-known banking firm…